Friday, August 18, 2023

NB-ESTATES IN Bloovi: Carl Vorsselmans (NB-Estates): "With your own business, you get up and you go to sleep too."

As business manager of NB-Estates, Carl Vorsselmans (46) helps Flemings in their search for a house or apartment in Tenerife, Costa Blanca, Ibiza and Costa del Sol. In itself nothing noteworthy, were it not for the fact that until 2018 the man was commissioner of the federal police and head of service of POSA Antwerp, the central directorate of special units. Like his girlfriend Freyke, Vorsselmans traded in his police uniform three years ago for an entrepreneurial adventure in real estate.

How important is money to you?

“Money is important to me to a certain extent. As long as I can do what I love, I'm satisfied. For example, I'm not saving up for anything in particular. If I were to win the lottery tomorrow, I wouldn't know what I would change or buy 'extra'.”

What has been your best investment so far? And the worst?

“The best investment is undoubtedly purchasing a new construction project that currently has a significant increase in value.”

“The worst was buying Fortis shares and then adding more to my investment portfolio when they continued to decline. However, I try to look at it positively: that negative experience made me vow to only invest in real estate, and I am extremely happy about that.”

What professional regrets do you have?

“I worked for fifteen years as a commissioner of the Federal Police. It was my childhood dream to do this, especially to work with the Special Units of the Federal Police, the former Group Diane. When I achieved that, it gave me immense satisfaction. However, looking back, I might have taken the step towards my own business a bit sooner.”

Are you someone who often worries? What keeps you awake at night?

“What we sometimes worry about now is getting paid for outstanding invoices. Especially when you have delivered your work, it's something that occupies our minds.”

What do you enjoy most about entrepreneurship?

“The best part is being able to turn creative ideas into tangible achievements. When that happens, it gives an incredible sense of satisfaction. Taking risks and eagerly awaiting the outcome still gives a kind of thrill.”

What big entrepreneurial dream do you still cherish? Where do you see yourself in 2 to 3 years?

“What we are trying to achieve is further international growth. We also see interesting opportunities for our real estate offerings outside of Spain. At the same time, we want to expand our market. Recently, for example, we started representing in Poland, and I must say, it whets our appetite for more. Other countries will undoubtedly follow.”

What sacrifices do you have to make in your personal life to be able to undertake?

“The sacrifices are significant, because with your own business, you are on duty from morning to night. It never stops. And when you think you're finally going to 'do nothing,' you get a call about something you can't refuse.”

Aside from entrepreneurship, do you have any other passions/hobbies? Do you devote enough time to them?

“My great passion is kitesurfing; once on the water, everything else fades away. In Spanish, they say it beautifully: ‘desconectar’. Unfortunately, I currently don't have time for that, as we are completely absorbed in our work.”

What is the most important entrepreneurial lesson you have learned in recent years?

“Even when the news is bleak, you have to keep going. Because there are always new opportunities somewhere.”

“For example, who would have thought that residential real estate prices would rise so much? It's true that we had many cancellations. But we turned that significant setback into a moment to focus on things we didn't have time for before. And with which we will undoubtedly be able to compensate for the losses due to the coronavirus in the future.”